Get more from your warehouse equipment with Toshiba repair solutions

Toshiba repair on a bespoke basis with a trusted service provider is a great way to extend the life of some of the finest handheld equipment on the market today.

There are so many options for CFOs, warehouse managers and others in charge of the logistics arm of a business to consider when it comes to handheld equipment such as scanners, printers and similar pieces of hardware designed to optimise business flows and processes.

We feel though that the logistics brand or business with their own dispatch centres that invests in mobile Toshiba units is making a wise choice – and, ultimately, why we think those that do could benefit from partnering with a bespoke Toshiba repair service.

Toshiba’s handheld products may be a bit pricier than others on the market, but that outlay can be more than worth it when you consider the way the electronics giant’s technology is produced.

Toshiba’s handheld units are efficient, typically have a great battery life, are easy to use, seamlessly integrate with most warehouse management systems, are very robust and durable, and come with many other advantages when compared against much cheaper options.

So, if they’re so good, then why invest in a Toshiba repair service? Simple – while Toshiba’s handheld hardware is indeed a leader when it comes to commercial mobile units, they’re not infallible.

Especially in hectic logistics settings where accidents can happen more often than not. Toshiba equipment can indeed be a great investment, but if you’re not taking care of your units, then it can cost much more in the future to replace them like-for-like on a continual basis.

There’s also downtime in the warehouse to consider should an accident ever occur. Partnering with a trusted Toshiba repair service on a bespoke basis can help to negate these problems and many others while – most importantly – keeping any disruption to a minimum and keeping your workflows optimised.

A bespoke Toshiba repair service does this by regularly maintaining your hardware and software, to keep it optimal and in like-new condition to give your handheld units as much life as possible, and extend your return on investment from them.

That can be much more affordable to business budgets than constantly purchasing brand new Toshiba handheld units should the worst happen to them. The right partner will also be able to provide your logistics teams with backup units to use while repairs are taking place, to keep the business running as it should.

Consider the green impact, too. Just throwing old, broken hardware and mobile units in the trash – even when they may not be broken – adds negatively to your brand’s overall carbon footprint.

As does ordering new units when considering packaging, transportation and other factors. Not only can a repair service be more affordable, but it can also help to cut your wider carbon footprint.

In our view, investing in Toshiba handheld units is a great idea for brands that utilise logistics. Extending their life with a bespoke repair service is also a great way to boost your ROI on those units, and focus on unlocking their potential to grow your business.

Find out more about the amazing benefits a bespoke Toshiba repair service can provide by speaking to the PLM Global team today.